Title: Energy harvesting structures optimized through green silicone chemistry
Acronym: GreENergy
Contractor: "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Project type: experimental demonstrative, PN-III-P2-2.1-PED
Contract number: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0188/CNCS/CCCDI-UEFISCDI (Grant 68PED/2017)
Implementation period: 1.01.2017-30.06.2018
Project budget: 600 000 lei
Project leader: Dr. Maria Cazacu

The project responds by excellent science (future and emergent technologies) to one of the grand challenges facing EU society, i.e., secure, clean and efficient energy. Dielectric elastomers (DE) have emerged as promising smart energy-transduction materials offering many advantages over other technologies, having good performance as generator (high energy density and efficiency) and better material properties (low cost, high compliance, durability and environmental tolerance).
The project will deliver a laboratory-scale technology able to produce DEs energy harvesting elements adjustable on request, built up from alternating, highly stretchable and compliant dielectric/electrode layers, based on different silicone formulations.
Specific objectives:
OS1. Design and formulation of optimal dielectric elastomer and electrodes for energy conversion units;
OS2. Reproduction of experimental laboratory demonstrator consisting in high compliant electrode-dielectric assemblies (simple or stacks);
OS3. Validation of the experimental demonstrator consisting in a laboratory technology for assembling optimized dielectrics and electrodes into a product ready for use as active elements in devices for energy harvesting from safe, clean, renewable sources;
OS4. Increasing the visibility of the team and institution by publishing articles in high impact journals based on fundamental results, while those with potential applicability will be the basis of a patent application;
OS5. Awareness of human resource on current research orientation in the European community towards innovation.
Acronym: GreENergy
Contractor: "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Project type: experimental demonstrative, PN-III-P2-2.1-PED
Contract number: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0188/CNCS/CCCDI-UEFISCDI (Grant 68PED/2017)
Implementation period: 1.01.2017-30.06.2018
Project budget: 600 000 lei
Project leader: Dr. Maria Cazacu
The project aims is to develop, through a relatively green approach, a laboratory technology for getting active elements able to efficiently convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. These are based on dielectric elastomers (DEs) coated on both sides with stretchable compliant electrodes forming a capacitor or dielectric elastomer.
The project responds by excellent science (future and emergent technologies) to one of the grand challenges facing EU society, i.e., secure, clean and efficient energy. Dielectric elastomers (DE) have emerged as promising smart energy-transduction materials offering many advantages over other technologies, having good performance as generator (high energy density and efficiency) and better material properties (low cost, high compliance, durability and environmental tolerance).
The project will deliver a laboratory-scale technology able to produce DEs energy harvesting elements adjustable on request, built up from alternating, highly stretchable and compliant dielectric/electrode layers, based on different silicone formulations.
The overall objective of the project is harnessing the experience and skills of a research team, developed and accumulated from fundamental research studies within previous research projects in a field still immature and emerging, that of dielectric elastomers, for the transition to a higher level of technological maturity and increasing the capacity of research institute to generate solutions validated in laboratory for products/technologies ready to be proposed to undertakings.Specific objectives:
OS1. Design and formulation of optimal dielectric elastomer and electrodes for energy conversion units;
OS2. Reproduction of experimental laboratory demonstrator consisting in high compliant electrode-dielectric assemblies (simple or stacks);
OS3. Validation of the experimental demonstrator consisting in a laboratory technology for assembling optimized dielectrics and electrodes into a product ready for use as active elements in devices for energy harvesting from safe, clean, renewable sources;
OS4. Increasing the visibility of the team and institution by publishing articles in high impact journals based on fundamental results, while those with potential applicability will be the basis of a patent application;
OS5. Awareness of human resource on current research orientation in the European community towards innovation.